Essential Oil are Volatile Organic Compounds??

Essential Oil are Volatile Organic Compounds??

I read a post on social media recently that made me pause. It was saying essential oils are "volatile organic compounds" and thus are extremely dangerous and full of chemicals. While it's good to evaluate what you're putting in and on your body, it's also good not to fearmonger. It seems the wellness community has become extremely skeptical and critical of everything, even holistic and beneficial tools.

Are Volatile Organic Compounds bad? 

Volatile, in chemistry, refers to how readily a substance evaporates. While some volatile compounds are dangerous, many plant materials are safe VOCs. Even humans emit VOCs. Volatile Organic Compounds are emitted by most everything around us. While there are without doubt some dangerous VOCs such as synthetic fragrances and harmful manmade and natural chemicals, most VOCs are harmless and some are extremely beneficial.

But aren't Essential Oils full of chemicals? 

Everything is made up of chemicals. A chemical is any substance that has a defined composition. The tallow you use? Made up of acids which are chemicals. The chemicals that make up essentials oils have wonderful beneficial benefits. Here is a comprehensive article on the holistic qualities of each of the essential oil's chemicals. 

How do I know if Essential Oils are Good for Me or Not?

Research. Read. Learn. Study. Start by looking at the vast information from Tisserand Institute. I've taken a course which delves deep into the chemical compounds of each essential oil. Here is another place to learn: Waves of Wellness. Not every essential oil is safe for each person and careful application is necessary for safe and effective use. This is a great article on safety from Tisserand Institute

With everything on social media, take it with a grain of salt, discover and learn for yourself, and don't chase after every trend out there, even essential oil usage! Make sure you are aware of what you're putting on your body and why. 

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